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7 Quick Tips For Naming Your Product

A product’s name can often make the difference between a best-seller, and a total dud. Here are 7 quick tips for naming your new product that tilts the odds of success in the marketplace in your favor.

7 Quick Tips For Naming Your Product

Make it memorable with a title that creates a visual picture.

Can you, or someone, recall the name of your product 30 minutes after hearing it? If not, you might be picking a name that’s too generic.

Creating a name with something that paints a visual picture works best. You want the name to get caught in their thoughts as quickly as you can.

Make it meaningful by telling what the product does.

Can someone look at the name and have a good idea of what the product does? If so, you might have a winner. 

It may sound simple to name a product for its purpose but it is very effective and memorable.

Be open and use a couple of simple rules to test a name.

Just because you don’t immediately love a name doesn’t mean it isn’t the right one. Take some time, maybe a few days or even weeks, and use the prospective name repeatedly. 

Say it out loud yourself and hear how it sounds.

Is it a name that people like to say out loud? If so, that can only help your viral marketing. Saying the name out loud yourself and what you go through. Are you tripping over your own tongue or does it sound like silliness and make you giggle?

Check the name’s history for prior or current usage.

You might think you’ve got the perfect product name, but a few years ago a scam company used the same name for their product and then took the money and ran. Do a thorough search to find out who else is using the name and what type of products it’s being used on (or was used on in the past).

Break rules to set yourself apart from other options.

If competing products tend to have similar names, you can choose something that totally sets you apart from the crowd. 

Make a long list of possibilities and then narrow it down.

You don’t want to make a shortlist and stop on the 5th name you think of and write it down. Make a list of a hundred or more names and then narrow it down.

Sometimes the best name is the one you think of after you’ve made your list of 100 and you’re in the shower, thinking about something else. And the longer the list, the more confident you’ll be when you make your final selection.

Now that you know some guidelines for naming your product, go out there and create a new one so you can bring it to market and experience the power of these tips yourself.

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