Remember the life you dreamed about in your youth? The dream of being a famous rock star, astronaut, or movie star. My American dream was pretty typical for someone growing up in a mix of lower to middle-class America. I just wanted to have nice things like a nice house, a nice car, a nice boat, etc., etc., which seemed so simple back then.
What Happened To The Dream?
My question is, what happened to my American dream and what happened to your American dream? We weren’t warned of the dream stealer in our youth, so we didn’t know how to protect our dream. It wasn’t taught in the public school system that we should hold on to and pursue our American dream, and don’t let it go. Nope, just a list of do and don’ts, be here at this time, blah, blah, blah.
Day by day, as we get told our limitations, busy with our particular flavor of hobby in school whether it is sports, academics, or arts, we repetitively see or are told the costs to pursue that endeavor. We have been counseled and prepared to go to school and get a job.
Choose Your Career
As you go through school, there is the perpetual question to you, “what do you want to do when you grow up and get a job?” Or what is your career choice? Or, if you are good at English you can be a secretary or my personal favorite, an administrative assistant. and so on. Whatever you happen to be naturally gifted at there is a career for you doing that.
Now you are grown up and you have done your best to follow all the guidance of teachers, professors, and mentors you grew up with and had influenced your life decisions and now you are wondering, “what happened to my dream”?
Day by day your dream life has slipped away. A little here a little there, this is how it happens. You think that you will make so much money, and maybe you do. You get your paycheck after all the deductions that they didn’t tell you about when you were growing up.
Where Did The Money Go?
Things like taxes, health insurance, uniforms, laundry, health savings account, short-term disability insurance, long-term disability insurance, and more. You look at your paycheck and ask, WTF happened to my money? That is one example of how the dream stealer gets you.
Get Your Dream Back
What is a person to do to get their dream back? Work longer hours? Get another job? That can help in the short term but, will wear you down in the long term. Go into business for yourself, right? Be your own boss, make your own hours, and eat lunch at 11:00 am because that is when you are hungry, right?
Take The Next Step
Where do you start? Business takes money to get started. Business takes time to get going to before you make money. May or may not need employees depending on the business. All the legal paperwork, acquiring a location, advertising, website, and social media can build you up or take you down.
How about this option? An online business with a free personalized website up and running in as little as 24 hours produces multiple income streams. All connected and automated to get someone who is brand new or any level of experience, to start making money very quickly.
Time To Get Rid Of The Dream Stealer
You have to make that decision for yourself. If you want to get the life you dreamed about as a kid and kick the dream stealer out of your life then you can begin today. Whatever you decide will be a great decision. Today is your day and you can make it great.
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